Scientifically proven : Our DNA is programmed by language, words and thought.

Next time when you hear your name try to imagine the energy in it… how come you are so sure may ask ? Well many don’t think of it but sound is energy and so is the sound of your name… according to the bible the universe was created by God sound..but even if you don’t believe such things listen to this, let’s go down to earth with every day problem we all have now …

What if you never had to plug in your cell phone or laptop again? That’s the promise of uBeam, which charges electronics using sound waves rather than wall sockets. Though Meredith Perry isn’t saying when it might be available or how much it would cost, she has raised $1.7 million, already in this last month, Perry’s invention: a transmitter that can recharge wireless devices using ultrasonic waves. It’s like Wi-Fi, she says, except instead of a wireless Internet connection, her’s transmits power over the air.

“What happens is, the ultrasound, which vibrates the air, vibrates what’s called a piezoelectric transducer,” she says. “And what happens is the ultrasound will vibrate the piezocrystals, and the crystals will move back and forth, and that will generate an electrical current.”

“Sound is vibration in the air.”

Sound frequency “is basically how many cycles per second air is being pushed through a space, We have little hairs in our ears that vibrate in response to sound. We interpret that change in air pressure as sound. But sound is something that exists outside of our head. Literally, it’s just air particles moving in an arranged fashion.

Sound energy is a form of energy associated with the vibrationor disturbance of matter. The SI unit of sound energy is the joule(J). Sound is a mechanical wave and as such consists physically in oscillatory elastic compression and in oscillatory displacement of a fluid. Therefore, the medium acts as storage for bothpotential and kinetic energy as well

Consequently, the sound energy in a volume of interest is defined as the sum of the potential and kinetic energy densitiesintegrated over that volume:

W = W_\mathrm{potential} + W_\mathrm{kinetic} = \int_V \frac{p^2}{2 \rho_0 c^2}\, \mathrm{d}V + \int_V \frac{\rho v^2}{2}\, \mathrm{d}V,


  • V is the volume of interest;
  • p is the sound pressure;
  • v is the particle velocity;
  • ρ0 is the density of the medium without sound present;
  • ρ is the local density of the medium;
  • c is the speed of sound.

Sound is a longitudinal mechanical wave propagating through gases, liquids and solid materials. Sound waves travel as a sequence of compressions and rarefactions with associated pressure variations. The figure below illustrates molecules in a gas through which the sound propagates. A microphone placed at a fixed point converts pressure changes caused by the sound, to a time dependent voltage. The displacement s is proportional to the pressure difference or sound pressure δp

The human DNA  is directly affected by the sound waves. Russian scientific research, presents evidence of a completely new type of medicine that can affect the DNA and programmatic again by words and frequencies.

Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, and began to venture to explore those 90% of “junk DNA”. The results of their findings and conclusions are simply a revolution! According to them, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. Russian researchers have found that the genetic code, especially in the 90% most likely useless, follows the same rules as all our human languages. To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way the words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the bases of our DNA follow a regular grammar just like our languages. So human languages ​​did not appear in the case, but are a reflection of our DNA.

The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr ​​Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. The bottom line was :. “Chromosomes function just like computers solitonic / holographic using endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed, for example to modulate certain frequency patterns in the laser beam and it influenced the DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since the basic structure of DNA bases pairs and language (as explained earlier) are of the same structure, no DNA decoding is necessary.One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! It also proved to experiment! DNA material life (in living tissue, not in vitro) always responds Language modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used.

Garjajev research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. They even were captured information patterns of a particular DNA and handed it on top of another, thus reprogramming cells to another genome. ? So they successfully transformed, for example, passes frog salamander embryos simply by transferring the DNA information patterns! In this way, all the information was passed without any side effects or lack of harmonics encountered when cutting out and re-introducing single genes from the DNA. This represents a revolution in world-coup and unbelievable feeling! All this by simply applying vibration and language instead of the cutting process! This experiment points to the immense power of wave genetics, which obviously has a greater influence on the formation of organisms that the biochemical processes of the basic sequences.

As though to confirm the hunch many of us had that our ‘junk’ DNA was anything but disposable, researchers from the Gene and Stem Cell Therapy Program at Sydney’s Centenary Institute have proven that 97 percent of human DNA programs or encodes proteins in our bodies. One of the researchers involved in this study said, “this discovery, involving what was previously referred to as “junk,” opens up a new level of gene expression control . . .”

This also means there are multiple modalities that mainstream science has yet to give a nod to, which just might re-train or reprogram our DNA — even cells which have become cancerous or are mutilated by the onslaught of toxins in our environment and negative emotional baggage which has been proven to have an undesirable impact on health. Many people have compared human DNA to the Internet. It communicates immense amounts of information in microcosmically small, but significant ways, mimicking a vast network of information portals, not unlike the billions of websites connected to one another all over the world. It may account for our intuition, spontaneous healing, and a number of other phenomena that mainstream science is just beginning to understand.

Esoteric and spiritual teachers knew that our bodies are programmed by language, words and thought. It is now scientifically proven and explained. Of course the frequency has to be correct. Which is why not everybody is equally successful to do it is always the same strength. The individual must work on the inner processes and maturity in order to establish a conscious communication with the DNA. Russian researchers work on a method that does not depend on these factors, but found sound waves always work, provided one of the users at the right frequency.

The flower of life is represented by circles overlaying one another in a manner that creates nodes where they intersect. The geometrical pattern follows something which we have come to know as the “Golden Ratio”, which plays a part in the Fibonacci Sequence. This pattern can be found in various parts of life, most abundantly in nature; in fact, it has even come to be referred to as nature’s numbering system. Some examples of where this can be found are florets in a flower, scales of a pineapple, the spiral and leaf count in a rose, and a beehive. Deeper yet, the exact pattern of the flower of life can be seen in the way a 13 strand DNA is formed by looking at the cross section (see below).

13 strand DNA

Now look how the original Hebrew letters ( very similar to the phoenician letters ) representing part of the tree of life… ( According to the spiritual knowledge it is the blue print of all the matter in the universe ) each letter is representing sound…

Now you can check it your self, you know your self better than any one right? you know your name so look at this table and see if the sound of your name impact your personality also… Here I’ll explain only the first letter of the names, its transferring the sound of the English letters to the sound of the Hebrew letters

The first letter of your name (according to the sound you say it, for example in the name Christ the first letter isn’t CH but K ), tell something about you. Check it out and give your feedback. Is it fit you or not?

A, E, O, U, I – need order and organization, control and leadership.
B – Blessing, strong need for home and family.
V,W – Connection, good abilities in utilizing others.
G – Altruism, Independent.
J – Independent, Giving, boasting.
D – Diplomacy.
H – Spiritualism, Love.
Z – fast decisions, Impulsivity.
T – Spiritual connection, Cunning, strong personality.
Y – good in communication, Fear.
K, Q, C – Strong Will, Earthly needs.
KH – Life force, Materialism.
L – Strong will, Learning.
M – Sensitivity, Strong emotions.
N – need to Success, need all.
S, Ce, Ci – need for Security, Secrecy.
SH – Hot personality, Giving.
P – Well Speaking, Good Sales man.
PH, F – good speaker, Manipulative.
TZ – Opportunities, Exploiting, righteous.
CH – Opportunities, hunter.
R – Strong mind, leading

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9 things you must do to have “Spontaneous healing”

Spontaneous healing

“Spontaneous healing”
Thousands of unexplained medical healing phenomena

Thousands of unexplained medical healing phenomena are happening every year around the world, only few of them are reported and only lately science started to have some limited interest in finding out how this happened… ( I bet it’s cause there is no good money involved in researching such “miracles” )
However lately more and more evidences are popping up all over the internet and starting to reveal a huge secret doctors for years are trying to hide…
Here is one example of such attempt to scientifically find out what’s the reasons for those miracle cures ( in some cases from terminal illness as cancer stage 4 )

In her book “Radical Remission” Dr. Kelly Turner, (PhD at Harvard and Berkeley), is including more than 3,500 cases in the medical literature of patients of supposedly “incurable” diseases cured, without medical treatment. These case written by official medical professional staff, provide a scientific report on the medical mystery, the miracle of medicine, and the possibility of the so-called (although most doctors would not dare to say it… ) “Miracle”.

Over 10 years Dr. Kelly Turner traveled around the world for meet with over a thousand cases of Radical Remission, People who have defied a serious or even terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. some of them are fully healthy for 15 to 25 years after. The results of this study, which focused on seventy-five factors, include astounding insights of the nine key factors that Dr. Turner found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor she has studied and an explanation of how the reader can put these practices to work in his or her own life.

Many of these cases have stories of patients suffering from cancer in Terminal stage 4 cancers. Dr. Turner traveled the world studying people who clearly had such “medical miracles” or as she prefer to call it “unexpected respite” to “spontaneous remission”, the word “spontaneous” implies that it just happened this kind of happy accident, and that the patient is not involved in it. Dr Turner interviews those patients and asked them one question – what they have done to be cured.

What Dr. Turner found, is an unexpected break out in medical treatments possibilities – from her researching it turn out there was no accidents! The common thread between all the stories of those patients are 9 healthy behaviors that cured their cancer. Without any particular important order here they are. they are all essential and all of them have to be performed to achieve this state of self healing “miracle”

1. Change your diet.
Most of those interviewed by Dr. Turner changed their diet and turned it into a powerful tool for self-healing. Most recommends a diet consisting mainly of whole vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes, while eliminating meat, sugar, dairy products and refined grains. She believe that if your diet is pure, the self-repair mechanisms can do your natural healing, what they do: to kill cancer cells and to try to establish balanced body again.

2. deepen your spirituality.
according to Dr. Turner many if not most of her interviewers, discuss an inner sense of divine love, the energy of a spiritual nature. A study of the spiritual community, can take part in religious services, to extend their life, so that it in terms of divine either in yourself or in a spiritual community with others, self-repairing your soul, so your body can heal itself.

3. feelings of love / joy / happiness.
Many of those interviewed won cancer with increased love and happiness in their lives. Studies show that happy people live up to 10 years longer than unhappy people and optimistic people, there is a risk of less than 77% of heart disease compared to the “prophets of doom” personalities, it is likely that feelings of joy, love, connection, optimism stressless responses , activate healing relaxation response in the body that fills the body with hormone therapy, such as oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide and endorphins bathers each cell, it takes the body, including cancer cells and clean them.

4. The release of repressed emotions.
Many of those interviewed by Dr. Turner, thinks it would heal, to resolve any negative emotions that had shelter, such as fear, anger, sadness or anger. We know that emotions are suppressed, In the soul or as other prefer to call it in subconscious, in the limbic brain, these negative thoughts are threat to your security. Whenever you feel fear, anger, pain, anger, loneliness, pessimism, depression or anxiety, negative thoughts stress response “fight or flight” then your body begins release the stress hormones and they are toxic and neutralizes the natural healing processes of the body. Your nervous system must be in relaxed state so the mechanisms of increased calm self-repair your natural immune system.

5. Take herbs or vitamins.
Dr. Turner reported that her interviewers took different forms of herbs, vitamins and dietary supplements that help to improve the immune system. Dr. Turner wrote that she has no prove that such supplements are really effective BUT We know that 18 to 80% of the time, patients will improve a placebo without active ingredients, because they believe they are getting the real treatment. In other words, if you feel some grass, tea, tonic, vitamins or supplements, is the key to a cure, by all means, take it.

6. Follow your intuition when it come to treatment decisions.
Dr. Turner talks about the importance of following intuition in terms of decisions, if the treatment makes sense in physiologically related.

7. take control over your health and body, be active and not passive in your day to day activities, accept changes that can help you heal your self and don’t accept the resistance or negative opinions of those around you.

8. you should have very good reasons to live, so make sure you want to be in life by listening to your self and do what the “real you” is asking from you to do with your life.

9. Be physically active. It will increase the activity of your body and especially if you’ll do it in the nature as walking or running out-door in nice natural environment.

In other words, your body is your business. You can not just transfer, the fate of your body, as you would to deliver someone else your car mechanic for fix it. You know your body better than any physician and following your intuition is the key when it comes to the fight against diseases, in particular cancer. Take responsibility for your health not only to ensure that you get the best treatment, so you’ll increase the chances to be a ” medical miracle”.

Remember, these healthy behaviors not only help you to experience an unexpected reprieve. They have to do with prevention. After all, it is your life we’re talking about.